Welcome to namperumal.com

This web site is created with a view to digitize all the works of our Purvacharyas. These works will be presented with the original commentary (moolam) followed by a "modern" Tamil translation of the same. The works include that of Sri Ramanuja (Sri Bhashyam and others), Sri Periyavachan Pillai (4000 prabandham commentary and others), Sri Vedanta Desika (Rahasyatrayasaram and others), Sri Pillai Lokachariar, Sri Manavala Mamunigal to name a few.

Contents (click on the photo or the heading below the photo)

Namperumal Vijayam - free magazine

On every Ekadasi or Dwadasi, an online magazine titled "Namperumal Vijayam" will be released for download. Each of the above works will appear as a series in that magazine.

Rahasya Granthams

This section has Tamil translations of SriBashyam, Sri Gita Bashyam, Sri Mumukshupadi, Srimad Rahasyatrayasaram, Sri Vasana Bhushanam (commentary)..............

4000 Divya Prabhandha Vyakyanams

This section has lucid Tamil versions of Swami Periyavachan Pillai, Swami Nampillai vyakyanams for Divya Prabandhams......

Srimad Bhagavad Gita

This section has the Gita Bashyams of Sri Alawandar, Sri Ramanuja and Tatparya Chandrikai of Swami Desikan

Slokas with commentaries

This section has various slokas such as Daya sadagam, Sri Gunaratna Kosam, Sri Rangarajasthavam, Sri Paduka Sahasram, Lakshmi Tantram...........

Divya Desa Mahatmyam

This section has the Mahatmyams of various Divya Desams as narrated in the Puranas...........

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